Storm Ready

American River South Flood Map

This map details the locations south of the American River where flooding could occur.  Community within this boundary include: Curtis Park, East Sacramento, Florin, La Riviera, Land Park, Meadow View, Midtown, North Oak Park, Parkway, Pocket, Rosemont, and Tahoe Park.

The red triangles denote potential levee breach locations.  The chart below are links to flood depth and evacuation maps for each area.



​Breach​South of the American River ​ ​
​1Flood Depth MapEvaucation Route Map
​2Flood Depth MapEvacuation Route Map
​3Flood Depth Map​Evacuation Route Map
​4Flood Depth Map​Evacuation Route Map
​5​Flood Depth MapEvacuation Route Map
​6Flood Depth Map​Evacuation Route Map
​7​Flood Depth Map​Evacuation Route Map